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12:51 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Catch up time...

Written by Britcycles at 00:59 27/7-2015

  Its been the best part of three seasons since my last press release because of what can only be described as an extended holiday, but now that the legal issues between me and the team are sorted, I can now get back to what I do best!
   The team has progressed and has become a solid division 3 team, although at this present time, we are in division 2, thanks to a good run of form, due to Sadolin performing reliably in tours and Doherty progressing into a feared climber.
   We'd love for this latest foray into division 2 to be a permanent one, but in all likelihood we will be gone by tomorrow, just one of the harsh realities of life... The team has stayed in its current format for a long time now and all members of the roster are now well known figures at team headquarters; but there has been some unrest in the team, with ryant looking to refresh the team with more young riders, which will mean some layoffs. Both Zuaza and Toledano wouldn't mind to be frank, they are well seasoned pros and are both looking to pursue careers as trainers at the team, aiming to help the next generation flourish at the team. Another name linked to the exit door is Hartmann Sadolin, the OCM legend has shown in recent times he is still a force to be reckoned with, but with ryant's plans to reform the team around the corner, he may find himself another team soon. Although this is just plain chatter at the moment as it is known that Sadolin would like to stay, and he is not likely to be sold anyway without a replacement around the corner...
  This Press Release has been written by:
  Alfie Fabik
  PR Manager


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Team Kernow at 00:21 28/7-2015
  Ryant I can help you " refresh the team with more young riders", Erwin Kindig should bring down your average age :P

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