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05:05 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Team USA Announces Official Roster

Written by Team Whalers at 23:14 25/10-2009

  At a low key press conference, Team USA manager JackO announced the initial roster of the national team. He was flanked by his own rider, Ferris Pitkin, who made the cut. The roster is as follows:
  Elroy Vickers - Fairfield Flyers Cycling
  Phillipe Malchow - Team Trier
  Herman Peavler - snyltarane
  Harley Northey - Red Bull
  Igor Kincheloe - Team Trier
  Ferris Pitkin - Team Whalers
  Truman Pence - matosaaa
  Clayton Plaster - Team Garret
  Robert Deason - Team Garret
  Colin Yard - WTTD
  Lionel Tarasi - WTTD
  Coleman Terriot - Maple Leafs
  JackO said that this roster would be set for the initial run of national team races: "We are interested in putting together a team here, not a rotating cast of spare parts. I have promised everyone on the squad participation in at least two races."


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Team USA Announces Official Roster

  At a low key press conference, Team USA manager JackO announced the initial roster of the national team. He was flanked by his own rider, Ferris Pitkin, who mad...



Team Garrett at 05:23 26/10-2009
  GO U.S.A!!! nice pics from Team Garrett!!!

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