Written by Nairobi City Cycling Club at 15:40 18/11-2015
Due to a lot of inactivity lately I've decided to take a break from the game after this season and maybe even sell some riders.
I will keep my oldies and africans at the time but riders like Grand, Nielsen and my young TT'ers I'm willing to let go if the right offer comes.
Grüß Gott
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tusind tak :)
Lykke til med pausen
Vir taler dansk her,Anonymous;)
Well I can always sign them up for some practise races so I don't fudge dem up completely :)
They will have a bad XP when you return... But Greenride has also 'returned' and still got decent results with his low XP riders.
danish = dansk :)
Jeg kender danish fra Amund Nygaard.;)
You can learn some from Uffe Familytour ;) haha
I will :)
Sad...Hope you will be back early...
Ps:I don't understand danish
ja bare gør det :)
Han passer på dit hold, og nielsen passer bedre på mit. men kan lige skrive pm så kan vi aftale nærmere
Du vil ikke beholde ham eller hvad?
Måske vi kan bytte med krohne for nielsen ? krohne er jo ung og afrikaner ?
rooney: Nielsen slipper jeg ikke billigt.. Omkring 400k vil jeg tro
nonnies: I'll be back, I just need a bit of a break. I will still make sure to set NT and maybe race the riders I keep once in a while :)
Sad news indeed
Vil gerne købe Nielsen hvad skal du have ?
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