Written by Drollevangers at 13:35 14/10-2016
With slightly dropping Bermudan results in the World Tour, it would be wise for the National coach to approach things differently. My advice: use Forrest Glaser in every race on the break away. There is a 100% chance of succes!
Forrest was on break away today for the second time this season and for the second time he showed his worth. After winning Vuelta de Colombia, he secured Higlander's Race to Aberdeen today.
With the actual Drollevanger captains suffering from off days and mechanicals, Forrest is our teams light in the darkness. Hail to the true Bermudan Break Away King!
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Sometimes a breakaway will work. Several seasons ago I had an untrained rider named Dietmar Hahn. He actually won 3 breakaways in 4 consecutive races that I entered him in. Although I haven't won a breakaway since, it can be done. Congrats.
Great result! Congrats! But note both races had HL=6 factor which is ideal for breakaways. Probably no point in putting him on BA in any race which has HL6.
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