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15:28 GMT         Day 26 of 90, Season 72    

2 wins in 20 mins!

Written by AnnoDomini at 14:35 19/8-2021

  I just won 2 races in 20 mins! Is this a record?
  This is a shocker for me as I often used to win only 2 or 3 races in a season. Winning two on a same day is already quite unusual, but the fact they were one after one is an additional reason to celebrate. Hurray!
  Your team participated in Luxembourg - Vianden. Kajetan Krawczyk finished 1 st as your best rider. You earned 16.000 $.
  Thomas Ménard had good legs during the race. Flavio Alberto Alis had good legs during the race. *****13:20
   Your team participated in Eissh Downhill. Nick Funder finished 1 st as your best rider. You earned 18.000 $.
  Nick Funder had good legs during the race. Kurt Qvist had good legs during the race. Maximiliano Caetano had an off day. *****13:00


Subscribers: 17

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Season 60

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Season 59

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Season 58

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2 wins in 20 mins!

  I just won 2 races in 20 mins! Is this a record? This is a shocker for me as I often used to win only 2 or 3 races in a season. Winning two on a same day i...


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Season 56

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Season 54

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Season 53

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Season 50

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DeRodeLantaarn at 01:09 20/8-2021

Silenzio at 22:19 19/8-2021
  34000$ in 20 minutes. Extrapolate that and you would make 220.320.000$ prizemoney in one season.

Goege Team at 20:53 19/8-2021
  Congrats! :-)

AnnoDomini at 19:08 19/8-2021
  yeah! Sounds like Nick, the Founder indeed!
  Thanks guys!

Universal Soup at 18:55 19/8-2021
  It's almost cheating with a rider named Nick (the) F(o)under in your team, haha. Congrats though!

Gewoon Rechtdoor at 16:58 19/8-2021
  Nice one! Congrats.

Lokomotíva Zvolen at 16:25 19/8-2021
  Next goal - to win 2 races within 20 mins with one rider. :)

Holwerda Cycling at 15:07 19/8-2021
  At least it is worth a congratulation :)

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Comments (6)

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