Online: 42
15:40 GMT         Day 26 of 90, Season 72    

The Italian Job

Written by Albiceleste at 12:46 3/2-2025

  And thanks to Theo amazing delivery we bring home this achievement badge we were craving!


Subscribers: 5

The Italian Job

  And thanks to Theo amazing delivery we bring home this achievement badge we were craving!...


O bigode

  In a dark cold rainy night Estevao "O bigode" Fragoso joins the team to start another chapter in our climbing history! Ad maiora!...


U23 Silver medal

  First race in the team for the Sheriff Wynn and it comes the silver medal in U23 World Championships! A real pity for mechanical trouble but as a start of car...


Welcome Theo!

  Breaking news from today Theodore Lough joined Albiceleste as captain of the sprinting team. Now only one captain is missing......


There's a new sheriff in town!

  We are pleased to announce that Adrian Wynn joined Albiceleste after 2nd highest record transfer in Ocm history of 1,9 mln. Go Sheriff go!...


First trophy ever

  Winning today's Mito-Tokyo classic we are bring8ng home our first trophy ever! We took a bit but we did it!, 9 years after the first jersey! Come on guys!!!...


3rd place in World Tour

  After an amazing season we close 3rd in the World tour! Amazing result! Avanti Italia!...


Italian Nt manager

  Ok, my adventure as Italian Nt manager started yesterday. Feel very proud of it and will do my best to reach the highest result as we can. Avanti Italia!...


White jersey

  Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben LALA!!!! First tour and first jersey!!! Come on boys!!!...


Biiiiiiiiiig Beeeeen

  Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben First win! Come on boys!!!...


Big Ben Lala

  Big Ben Lala stops at 50 AV, without TT centre for now... is the best trainee we ever had. Come on boys, let's get into the battle!!!...


El Cardinal Navarro!!!

  Navarro wins our first 6 division race...come on boys!!!...


Nembo Kid Laszlo

  We did it! Back to victory, keep on going boys!...


Adieu Chatelin



Nice start

  Team Albiceleste starts his professional adventures with 8 results. Manager says it's only the beginning and it's gonna be winning all and against all. Now all ...



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  Time for a little update. Up to S69 D74 Most Expensive Transfers 1) Wilhelm Lindberg – 700,000$ - from Hog Bay CT 2) Hermann Normann – 515,000$ - from ...


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