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00:28 GMT         Day 4 of 90, Season 69    

Slave to the Grind
by Itisix, at 23/12-09 - 11:46 GMT

  As the festive season reaches it's high point, people all over the world think about Christmas. The joy, the love, the food, all gather around the tree for the happiest time of the year...
  But not all. With an ever so fierce competition in OCM, managers are sending riders to races on Christmas eve and even on Christmas day!
  Teams like cway and Telek@m have no time for feasting.
  But what does it all come down to? Are they just trying to squeeze in some more points, taking advantage of the fact some teams may take

a rest?
  We decided to go out and ask the public about this, and the answers we got couldn't be clearer.
  It seems that in the end, watching a cycling race is a great way to spend some time with your loved ones. Sure enough, riders and staff would also like to be home with the family, but they are all in tune when they say it's a special time for cycling races. The hordes of fans is huge. Entire families having a great time. Sure it's cold as hell in most races, but when the riders pass, that all just goes

  And in the end, it's nothing new anyway. Other sports like football do it. Just take the english clubs playing lots of games during the festivities.
  And furthermore, the OCM tour is a one big family and teams come together to celebrate. And that is all that matters. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw some Christmas food on the riders' hands during some races.
  Have fun on the roads watching the pĂ©loton and have a very happy season.
  Merry Christmas, and a very, very happy new year.


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